Thursday, October 2, 2014

Important Update on Candidates (Oct 2014)

CRTL will publish a complete update in the next few days. The information collected before the primary is here, listing many candidates who are already confirmed as pro-life.

In the meantime we wanted to make you aware of some important updates.

First, updates have been added to indicate pro-life candidates Jerry Sonnenberg (running for CO Senate District 1) and Mike Donald (running for CO House District 42).

Second, we have good news and bad news on the US Senate race in Colorado:

US Senate (Colorado)

There IS a pro-life candidate for US Senate running in Colorado!

However, he is not named Cory Gardner (R-CO).

Raul Acosta (I) has answered the CRTL survey and has rigorously affirmed he is pro-life. Acosta is an independent candidate for the US Senate who has been confirmed on the November ballot, so anyone in Colorado can vote for him without having to write his name in.

Raul Acosta is the ONLY candidate for the US Senate in Colorado who opposes abortion in all cases and believes in a Right to Life for unborn children from conception on.

Raul Acosta ran as a pro-life candidate for the US Senate in 2004, and has been an ally of Colorado Right to Life for many years.

Cory Gardner:

Rep. Cory Gardner was once a strong pro-lifer and ally of CRTL, but that has changed!

As you probably heard, Cory Gardner announced publicly that he no longer supports Personhood. He apologized for ever supporting it. He said he was well-meaning, but it was a mistake.

Of course the reason he gave for not supporting Personhood -- that it would ban "contraceptives" -- is completely false, and is a propaganda claim of NARAL and Planned Parenthood that is often repeated by the media.

Cory Gardner has attended briefings on Personhood by CRTL where this was discussed -- Cory should KNOW better! But since he knew it was a false statement and he made it anyway, we can only conclude he has made a cynical choice to give up on principles so he would be more attractive to moderate voters.

Cory promised to meet with CRTL to discuss his position, but that meeting never occurred. He doesn't want to talk.

Personhood is not the only position Gardner has changed since giving up his safe conservative Congressional seat and deciding to run for the US Senate statewide.

When told by the Denver Post that Sen. Mark Udall charged that Gardner was opposed to abortion "even in cases of rape and incest," Gardner told the Post Udall was lying.

So Cory Gardner now officially supports abortion in cases of rape or incest. That is 8,000 babies killed per year, for those reasons, nationwide.

Cory Gardner is also putting underage girls at risk for more sexual abuse because abortion is often used to cover up acts of incest, as shown recently by lawsuits in Colorado and Arizona, and as demonstrated by numerous stings run by Lila Rose's LiveAction. Planned Parenthood has shown a pattern of not reporting possible cases of child sex abuse as required by law. If abortion were made illegal in all cases, abortions could not be used to cover up the crimes.

As if that's not enough, Cory Gardner has more recently begun running ads saying he's for "birth control" over the counter!

What kinds of birth control? All kinds, apparently -- he's done this to counter the "opposes birth control" ads of the Democrats, which were based on his support of Personhood, and yet the only kinds of birth control Personhood could affect are abortifacients which can kill an already-conceived child.

So CRTL can only assume Cory Gardner wants to provide abortifacients (falsely called "emergency contraceptives") over the counter so women can have their abortions at home.

Besides "over the counter abortifacients" being an extremely pro-abortion proposal, and besides the likelihood this would encourage more permissive sex at younger ages, over the counter abortifacients could even make things easier for child sex traffickers who need to cover up their own crimes without risking going to a medical facility where staff are required by law to report any suspicions.

We also believe it is wildly irresponsible for a candidate for the US Senate to propose allowing potentially harmful high dose drugs be made available without the advice and prescription of a doctor.

The Mayo Clinic advises women to work closely with their health care providers and indicates, "Some [birth control] complications can be serious. They include the following:
    •Blood clots in the legs (recent studies suggest that the type of progestin used in the pill may affect the risk of blood clots, with pills containing drosperinone showing a higher risk)
   •Gallbladder disease
   •Heart attacks and stroke (smoking greatly increases the risk of these complications)
   •Liver tumors"

Even The National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health links birth control pills to risk of breast cancer and other forms of cancer.

Hmm... Over the counter, without a doctor, with those sorts of potentially fatal side effects? That sounds like a decision that should be made by a doctor who knows someone’s medical history, not by a politician.

Where are the defenders of our children? Clearly Gardner isn’t one of them.

Other candidates:

Obviously, Sen. Mark Udall (D) is pro-abortion.

We believe all of the other independent and third party candidates are also pro-abortion, as confirmed on their websites, or from public statements.

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